DATASMART 2019 Update
Written by Long Trail Sustainability, Senior Consultant, Shelly Severinghaus

The 2019 DATASMART update, released on June 28, 2019, includes 58 new processes and 105 updated processes[1]. This includes new Canadian electricity mixes by province and territory, as well as the high, medium, and low voltage for each region. The U.S. electricity mixes by eGRID and by state were also updated to incorporate more recently published data. Two new waste scenarios for general waste and packaging waste were created based on the most recent publications from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The LTS Method was updated with three damage categories based on ReCiPe 2016, and is now called the LTS 2019 method, found in the Global Category. The 2019 update also includes more detailed documentation in the process comments. Finally, the update includes updated water flows in hydropower and nuclear energy production processes.
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