Offering up only the proven life cycle assessment software tools that our own experts rely on, LTS is the proud North American distributor of the world renowned SimaPro LCA software and the developers of a custom North American specific database, DATASMART Life Cycle Inventory.

SimaPro life cycle assessment software helps you turn your life cycle analysis expertise into business value: to empower solid decision-making, change your products’ life cycles for the better, and improve your company’s positive impact.
SimaPro provides you with a professional software tool to collect, analyze and monitor the sustainability performance of products and services.
DATASMART LCI Package is a dataset for North American SimaPro customers provided by Long Trail Sustainability (LTS). This dataset was originally developed to create a North American focused dataset, based on a combination of US LCI v.1.60 and Ecoinvent v.2.2 data, modified specifically to be representative of U.S. operations. In an effort to continually provide more data, DATASMART has expanded to a larger dataset, covering more regions and industries, containing data developed by LTS and data submitted to LTS by companies and researchers.
For more details, see the DATASMART LCI Package Manual and What’s New in DATASMART 2021.
Learn more in this 2020 recorded webinar.

Scale up to a larger sustainability program by applying the basic principles to a specific problem through a customized tool.
Once the process and value are understood around a singular issue, the rationale for increasing the scope and depth of sustainability commitments throughout an organization become apparent.